United. Excellence. Bravery. Passion. Tenacity.

Diversity & Inclusion

At Walkinshaw Group, we actively promote, celebrate, and leverage the diversity of people, perspectives, and experiences to enhance our business performance.

Prioritising diversity and inclusion aligns with our business strategy and our values – United, Excellence, Bravery, Passion and Tenacity.

Walkinshaw Group includes Premoso Pty Ltd, Walkinshaw Automotive Group Pty Ltd (WAG), and Walkinshaw Performance Pty Ltd.

What is the gender pay gap?

The gender pay gap (GPG) is the difference in average earnings between women and men in the workforce. Our gender pay gap reflects the difference between the average pay of women and the average pay of men across the whole organisation. It does not reflect a difference in pay between men and women in the same roles.

A GPG does not mean that there are equal pay issues, our analysis indicates that differences stem from the distribution of women within the workforce.

We advocate for the disclosure of the employer GPG as a crucial step toward identifying and addressing the causes of our GPG. We have seen an improvement in GPG for Premoso from 26.0% of median base salary in 2021-22 to 13.7% of median base salary in 2023-24 and we recognise that we still have a long way to go.

When we look at Walkinshaw Automotive Group (WAG) as a separate entity the 2023-24 median base salary gap is -0.3% - this data represents a cohort of 222 employees of the total 341 employees that made up our 2023-24 WGEA report.

During the 2023-24 WGEA Gender Equality compliance reporting, Premoso reported data for Premoso Pty Ltd, Walkinshaw Automotive Group Pty Ltd and Walkinshaw Performance Pty Ltd. Due to the smaller headcount of Walkinshaw Performance the individual company data is not reported separately by WGEA but is included in overall business reporting:

  • Mean Pay Gap: An average total remuneration GPG of 23.9% for Premoso and 6.1% for WAG.
  • Median Pay Gap: A median total remuneration GPG of 11.9% for Premoso and 2.0% for WAG.
  • Mean Base Salary Gap: An average base salary GPG of 18.8% for Premoso and 5.4% for WAG.
  • Median Base Salary Gap: A median base salary GPG of 13.7% for Premoso and -0.3% for WAG.

Key findings

Walkinshaw Group is a leading design, engineering and manufacturing company with significant operations in the automotive industry, which is traditionally male dominated.

Our data reflects a low percentage of female employees (9.6% of our workforce versus 28% in the manufacturing industry workforce, and 51.1% of the total workforce).

We have more men overall in the business and this is reflected in the higher number of men in leadership roles. Senior roles tend to be paid more and so when there is a gender imbalance in senior roles this can drive gender pay gaps as shown in the example below.





Average Total Remuneration


Employee gender pay gap for this example:
4.8% even though individual role salaries are equal

Drivers of employer gender pay gap

Our analysis of the GPG data has identified the following range of factors contributing to the gap:

  • Senior roles tend to be paid more, so when there is a gender imbalance in senior roles, this can drive GPG. In 2023-24, women comprise 13% of Managers (improving from 12% in 2022-23) for Premoso, however WAG management is 100% male. Of the non-manager group, women comprise 13% (reducing from 15% in 2022-23) for Premoso and 8% for WAG, compared with 28% in our ICG.

  • A disproportionate concentration of men in the upper quartiles and/or women in the lower quartiles can drive a positive GPG.
  • For Premoso, women represent 12% of the upper quartile, 4% of the upper middle quartile, 11% of the lower middle quartile, and 26% of the lower quartile. The significantly higher proportion of men in the upper and upper middle quartiles is a key contributor to our gender pay gap.

  • For WAG, women represent 4% of the upper quartile, 11% of the upper middle quartile, 7% of the lower middle quartile, and 11% of the lower quartile. The significantly higher proportion of men in the upper and upper middle quartiles is a key contributor to our gender pay gap.

  • Part-time and casual roles are often lower paid. An imbalance in the composition of employees in these roles can be a significant driver of the GPG. The part-time workforce of our organisation is 67% women (with a total of 3 current part time roles). This has a very minor impact on the gender pay gap in favour of men.

Actions to help close the gap

Walkinshaw Group is committed to preventing gender pay gaps. Several strategies and initiatives have been or will be implemented, including:

  • Equal Opportunities: We provide equal opportunities for career growth, professional development, and promotions, based solely on merit and qualifications, free from gender bias. We are implementing a market-based compensation review process that will include an analysis of all roles against external market data and a commitment to correct any gender based issued identified.

  • Education & Training: We will offer training and education programs to raise awareness of unconscious bias and gender bias, empowering our employees to recognise and address these issues within our workplace. All employees will be provided with formal training on Diversity & Inclusion, Equal Opportunity and Bullying & Harassment prevention.

  • Supportive Policies: Our policies have been reviewed and updated to include the positive duty on employers. We have increased our paid parental leave and made paid parental leave available to both the primary carer and non-primary carer regardless of gender.

  • Accountability & Measurement: Implementing measurable goals and holding ourselves accountable by regularly evaluating our progress towards closing our gender pay gap. These will include ensuring that our performance review process does not negatively impact part-time or flexible workers, and ensuring gender equitable recruitment and promotion.

  • Inclusive Culture: Drive initiatives that will enable us to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace such as promoting diversity in hiring and leadership. We will continue to identify opportunities to support females who seek careers in the manufacturing industry. We will also implement formal and informal consultation mechanisms to ensure that we hear and understand the needs of our people. This consultation process will support identification of further initiatives that drive our progress in addressing the gender pay gap.

This commitment is an ongoing journey, and we acknowledge that effort and collaboration are essential for making meaningful change and sustaining progress.

We recognise the need to improve our gender balance at all levels in the organisation and this is a focus area for the coming years. We are also committed to encouraging young females to seek a career in the automotive or aligned industries – they are our workforce of the future.

We appreciate the valuable insights provided by the WGEA reporting process and it strengthens our resolve to continuously improve in this area, not only by working to reduce the gender pay gap but also through improving our attraction, recruitment, retention, and development processes.

We understand that we must have the most talented employees with diverse backgrounds, cultures, perspectives, and experiences to support our innovation and creativity.